Seaside Park Noise Ordinance Violation

§53-5. Sound-producing apparatus.

No person shall, within the limits of the said borough, operate or use radio, phonograph, television or any other sound-producing instrument, device or apparatus in such a manner that will disturb the rest or repose of any person or persons in his, her or their place of abode.

§53-6. Unnecessary noise

No person or persons shall make or cause or continue to make any noise, such as loud talk, singing, laughter or any unnecessary noise, that will disturb any person or persons in his, her or their place of abode.

§53-42. Public outcry.

No person shall, on any street, road, avenue, boardwalk, park, beach or other public place within the limits of the said borough, ring any bell or blow any horn or make any public outcry at or for any public sale, auction or vendue, or to advertise any goods, wares or merchandise for sale, or to attract any attention to or gain passage for any cab, taxicab, hack or omnibus.