Somerset County NJ Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys

Contact Our Somerville Office To Speak To A Former County Prosecutor Who Is Highly Experienced In Defending Criminal Sexual Contact, Sex Assault, Lewdness, Endangering, Luring & Child Pornography Charges

Allegations involving criminal behavior that is sexual in nature are perhaps the most stigmatized by the general public and these crimes are often delegated to specific investigation units within law enforcement bodies due to their egregiousness in the mind’s of the those who prosecute these cases. Sadly, it is often those accused of sex crimes who are subject to the most prejudicial form of prosecution, not to mention what can feel like crucifixion from the media and members of the community. If convicted of a sex crime, the effects can be severely damaging and far-reaching, with immediate consequences such as imprisonment, and long-term repercussions including sex offender registration under New Jersey’s Megan’s Law. Some say that once time is served, you are entitled to a new start. However, with databases in place that make your past available to neighbors, potential employers, and the like, a sex crime conviction can seem like a Scarlet Letter, haunting you for years to come.

At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, we are committed to ensuring that our clients receive the fair and objective due process they deserve. With over 200 years of combined experience as both prosecutors and defense attorneys, our criminal defense team boasts some of the most erudite legal professionals in the state. We collaborate with our clients and one another in order to explore all of the potential issues, strengths, and weaknesses of a case, ultimately arriving at an approach that may involve a negotiated plea to a lesser sentence, a downgraded charge, or an outright dismissal at trial. At our firm, we understand that your life, your reputation, and your relationships are hanging in the balance, and we do everything in our power to protect you. Contact our offices anytime for a cost-free consultation.

Somerset County NJ Sexual Offense Charges Lawyers

At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, our attorneys represent clients facing any number of sex crimes accusations, some of which include:

Contact our Megan’s Law Defense Attorneys to Discuss Your Case

If you or someone you love has been accused of a sex crime, whether formally charged or under investigation, protecting your future is paramount. Arm yourself with a team of knowledgeable legal advocates who will guide you through this difficult time. Contact The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall today.