Standard Conditions of Pretrial Intervention

Accomplished NJ Criminal Lawyers for Pretrial Intervention

Our firm receives many questions concerning what is required in order to complete the Pretrial Intervention Program in New Jersey. The court system has adopted standard conditions that apply whenever someone is admitted into the PTI. An individual is required to comply with these standard conditions, as well as any special conditions imposed at the time of admission, during the term of Pretrial Intervention. Below is a copy of the form that must be signed by a defendant before he/she is admitted into Pretrial Intervention and which sets forth the standard conditions of the program.

If you are interested in admission into PTI and would like to speak to an attorney who is highly knowledgeable in this area of law, you are encouraged to contact our firm. Attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are available 24/7 to help you at 855-450-8310.


The New Jersey Administrative Offices of the Courts has adopted standard conditions of Pretrial Intervention probation/supervision. This is a copy of the form that must be signed when you are admitted into PTI .