Emerson DWI Lawyer

Emerson Municipal Court

Mailing Address: 146 Linwood Ave Emerson, NJ 07630
Telephone number: (201) 262-6058
Fax number: (201) 262-1256
Website: http://www.emersonnj.org/
Presiding Judge: Honorable Francis J. Leddy, Jr.
Court Administrator: Craig Ferdinand
Prosecuting Attorney: Arthur Balsamo
Court Sessions: Office hours Mon- Fri 9am-4pm; Court Session- Second & Fourth Thursdays- 3pm.

Major Roadways with Municipality: Old Hook Road, Main Street and Lincoln Boulevard

Brief Description: Emerson is a small borough in central Bergen County, covering 2.5 square miles and having a population of 7,000. Emerson is roughly a 30 minute drive away from New York City. However, Emerson does offer various mass transit alternatives for residents seeking to travel to New York City.

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