Belmar Simple Assault Lawyers

Our Accomplished Criminal Attorneys & Former Monmouth County Prosecutors Have Decades of Experience Defending Simple Assault Charges in Belmar Municipal Court

Confrontations can turn physical and simple assault charges can often follow in Belmar when this occurs. This phenomenon certainly isn’t unique in the borough, especially with so much alcohol consumption by young adults looking to enjoy the party scene. The same is true in Lake Como, which falls under the umbrella of Belmar’s police department and municipal court. The problem is that the offense of simple assault can carry grave consequences at the time of sentencing in Belmar Municipal Court. The situation is even worse if the altercation involved a police officer, a weapon, or more serious injuries and resulted in your being charged with aggravated assault — a felony in New Jersey.

At Marshall Criminal Defense, we are seasoned criminal lawyers and former prosecutors (including a member who served in Belmar Municipal Court) who have appeared in Belmar on simple assault violations for decades. We know the landscape and what is necessary to overcome a simple assault charge. And do not be fooled, simple assault can be a tricky offense to escape as it often requires exceptional finesse and people skills when it comes to persuading an irritated police officer or victim to consent to a downgrade or dismissal. Our defense attorneys possess these skills and you shouldn’t take the risk of walking into court with anything less. Call 855-450-8310 for a free initial consultation with a criminal attorney who is talented in defending Belmar simple assault charges.

Charged With Simple Assault in Belmar NJ

As you will note on your ticket, summons, or complaint, the charge for a simple assault that you are facing arises out of N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1. You can be convicted of this violation if it is established, beyond reasonable doubt, that you:

  • Attempted to cause bodily injury to the victim;
  • Intentionally or recklessly caused bodily injury;
  • Negligently caused bodily injury with a deadly weapon; or
  • Used physical menace to place someone in immediate fear of serious bodily injury

While any of these acts results in a disorderly persons offense, the equivalent of a misdemeanor, there is a criminal record that comes with the conviction, along with other penalties. In fact, you can even be sentenced to up to 6 months in jail. It is obviously in your best interests to avoid such an outcome and our Belmar criminal defense lawyers are adapt in making sure that this is exactly the case.

Belmar NJ Simple Assault Attorneys

If you are arrested for simple assault at your beach house, D’Jais, Bar Anticipation, or anywhere else in Belmar or Lake Como, you are probably experiencing some level of fear and confusion. Many times this can cause individuals to resort to denial rather than dealing with the situation head-on. Do not make this mistake. Simple assault is not an offense to play around with and attempt to defend on your own. The uncertainty of dealing with a victim, whether he/she is a police officer or private citizen, is nothing to tackle other than through a skilled intermediary. The lawyers at Marshall Criminal Defense are know how to temper the situation and insure that you have every chance of muffling the situation and walking out of court without a record, etc. Contact our Belmar simple assault defense lawyers now at 855-450-8310 for immediate assistance.